Christmas Persuasive Speech

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I am sure many of you probably didn’t think a December Newsletter would be themed on lyrics from the Eagles. I am sure this time of the year is not easy for many of us. As we consider our list of to do’s before Christmas, some of us are probably feeling overwhelmed. I know as I look at my calendar of just what I still have to plan for worship services and activities just for Bethany, I am feeling the Christmas Cram, as one friend called it one year. This doesn’t include the various activities and traditions Amanda and I have (or still don’t know about yet). I wonder why Advent tends to be this time where it seems like everything becomes so crammed and with it being a shorter season this year…it doesn’t make it easier. I do see part of the reason why people started having Christmas items up right after Halloween now. This returns to my earlier thought, from the Eagles and what this season of Advent should mean for us. Advent serves as a time, not for Christmas Cramming, but as a time to slow down and really take in what we have during this season. For some, it is having family members who we can gather with during this holiday season. Others, it might include being thankful for having a source of income or a place to call home. …show more content…

I pray you take advantage of the various offerings to experience the Advent season as we prepare for Jesus’s Birth. Come to one of Mid-Week Advent Services (12 noon and/or 6:30pm), hear and talk about the various hymns of Advent during our Faith on Tap gatherings (Dec 5 & 19 at Marzoni’s at 6pm), celebrate the Birth of Jesus after our Dec 17th service with cake and fellowship. Come to Christmas Eve services (1p & 6p) and hear the retelling of Jesus’s Birth, this may also be a great time to rejuvenate your spiritual life at church with a community who loves you. Come on Dec 31st, during our 9am Sunday Service time, as we enjoy a service of Lessons and

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