Christmas And Religion

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The Bible outside literture is truthful eveidence that his word is true. The habits we live throughout each season is a mere reflection to what the celebration during holidays is really about. There is not much thought in religios ceremonies such as Easter or Christmas. To the world its just fun and a celebration of the season. In the world these celebrations are habbit. and easily accessible to anyone.(p319) The religious holidays we celebrate are dedicated to God but not his word in the publics exalt.(page 304) The public is use to the watered down traditions and many do not believe yet the festivities manifest into rejoicing of the spirit of the holiday like Easter and, Christmas.The world has adopted festive Christian times into their everyday preparations for the upcoming vacation holidays. …show more content…

People will take time out to observe and teach their children the traditions following the word of God in order to keep celebrating the holiday. The world celebrates Christmas and we believers in Christ validate that Christmas is a celebration of Christs birth. The Glory of our King birth sent Angels rejoicing. (Luke 2.16-20) The celebration of his birth was an event for rejoicing, and reconized by the whole world. The Christmas tree a decorative adornment families embrace it represents Christs time of birth. But in reality it is a pagan symbol the world worships. " For customs of the people are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with a chisel." They adorn it with silver and gold: they fasten it with a hammer and nails so it will not totter. Like a scare crow in a melon patch their idols can not walk. Do not fear them: they can do no harm nor can they do any good.

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