Christine Cruz Research Paper

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Christine Cruz lived in the early 1970s through the late 1980s. Christine had a total of 3 plus her is 4 siblings. Christines oldest sister Desi is 54 years old, her brother Michael is 52 years old, and her other brother Junior is 49 years old. A typical day in her life was walking to school, hanging out with friends, watching a 3 o’clock show with her mom, playing outside, doing homework, doing her chores, listening to music, and dancing. Middle school was like for Christine was fun. By noon it was lunch time. She would go home and eat lunch, go to the candy store, and go to restaurant with her friends. The teachers were all old and had grey hair. Her favorite teacher was the 8th grade teacher because she taught all of the kids manners. She let the boys and girls go to there lockers and to the bathroom so they can put makeup on her do there hair. You only had a certain amount of time to put makeup on or fix your hair then you …show more content…

She lived in the hood in her younger years. She would have to be more aware of her surroundings. Michael Jordan won 6 NBA championships playing with the Chicago Bulls. She went to a Chicago Bulls game against the Detroit Pistons. Christine listened to Disco Music, in the early 80s she started to listen to Hip Hop and, soft rock. Her favorite musical artist was Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston. She listen to her music on the radio cassette player, and record player. Her favorite tv show were Mork and Mindy because she liked the way Mork talked, Fraggle Rock because They were Muppets. Her favorite movie was E.T because of the Alien also that when they met there all realized that they were all different but fun. The clothes were colorful and they were comfy like yoga style. She wore her hair down, curly, frizzy, and poofy. The Gadget that she had when she was younger was Simon says, and a walkman. She played Marbles, Jacks, Hopscotch, and

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