Christians Should NOT Be Exempt From The Same Sex Marriage Law

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Christians should and shouldn’t be exempt from the same-sex marriage law, due to the fact that it violates someone’s constitutional rights. Even though many Christians believe that they should be exempt from providing services to gay/lesbian marriages, is there a compromise that they could work out so they both win. In the Washington Law Review by Peter Dolan, he said that “[t]he debate over same-sex marriage has become for the twenty-first century what the abortion debate was for the twentieth century…” with making this kind of statement proves how big of an issue this has become. First reason Christians should be exempt from the same-sex marriage law is because it requires them to go against their beliefs. Within the article that was written …show more content…

He says, “people who hold genuine and heartfelt beliefs at either end of a politically-charged spectrum…”. With making this statement Dolan is trying to prove that if people who hold a religious view are genuine and heartfelt should be exempt from the same-sex marriage law. Even though he stands for Christians of being exempt to the marriage law, he proposes a really good idea of “refuse and refer”. Dolan makes a very interesting statement that says, “requiring a merchant to perform services that violate his deeply held moral commitments is far more serious, different in kind and not just in degree from mere inconvenience” (Dolan 1144-5). He is trying to say just because someone gets mad because a certain person couldn’t provide the service doesn’t mean that they can’t go somewhere else because it is inconvenient for them. Farther into the review Dolan makes a statement that simply said that they need make it know that they do not serve same-sex marriages but in a non-discriminating way. But, they should be willing to offer a referral to someone that will provide them with a service. This seems to be a more effective way of dealing with same-sex religious belief bases than making a fuss out of something that is

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