Christian's Response to the Issues of Abortion and Euthanasia

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Christian's Response to the Issues of Abortion and Euthanasia

Abortion is a very controversial subject. It is the termination of

pregnancy through surgery or some other medication. It was first

introduced into Britain in 1967 as a result of the David Steel private

members bill. Since then, there has been over 4 million unborn

children aborted in Britain and over 40 million are being terminated

over the world each year.

Many people believe in Pro-choice. This is a belief that women should

be given free access to abortions if she wishes to terminate a

pregnancy. Other people are Pro-life. These are people who believe

life begins at the instant of conception and that abortions should be

totally unavailable.

There are many reasons both in favour and against abortion. The

Catholic Church is very much against it. They have many reasons for

this. The Catholic Church believes that life starts at the moment of

conception. Therefore, by committing abortion we are breaking the

commandment “thou shall not kill”. All abortions stop a beating heart

and kill a unique individual.

The Catholic Church also believes that abortion is the last form of

contraception. There are other alternatives to abortion including

adoption. Adoption allows the child an opportunity to live. This is a

decision a woman can make for herself or with help from family members

or Pro-life centres. It is possible for both mother and child to live

without purposely harming any of them.

As Catholics we believe that God himself became human through Jesus

Christ and thereby united every human being, including life in the

womb to himself. If we were to carry out abortion and to attack a

human life aren’t we in some way attacking God himself.

Although the Catholic Church presents some very good reasons against

abortion there are some people who believe that abortion is acceptable

in certain cases. They believe that abortion is a personal choice for

a woman and a woman only. What gives other people the right to decide

what might affect the rest of her life?

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