Christians' Beliefs About God

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Christians' Beliefs About God

Christians believe that God is all-knowing, all-loving and

all-powerful. Christians have different views on whether God is

personal, which means God cares for everyone deeply and can directly

communicate with you or that God is impersonal, which means God is a

force which acts on the world, but you cannot have a deep relationship

with a force. Some Christians say that God is immanent, which means

that he is contained within the universe. Other Christians believe

that God is transcendent, which means that he is outside time, space

and dimensions. Some Christians describe God using anthropomorphism,

meaning to describe God in human form. Eg: king, shepherd, etc. But

most Christians believe that God is far too complex to describe God

using any form of human language. Most Christians believe that God is

the Holy trinity, with trinity meaning three sides. One side of God is

the father, a way of saying he created everything and that he is

all-loving. The second side of God is known as the Son because Jesus

was the son of God who was God sent to earth in human form to show

people how to live. Jesus sacrificed himself and was resurrected to

save everyone’s sins and to show that God has power over death. The

third side is the Holy Spirit, because when Jesus died the Holy Spirit

was sent to earth to bring love and hope and as a symbol of peace.

Some Christians believe that God acts in the world today through

miracles and by answering prayers.

Why do some Christians find it hard to believe in miracles?

Some Christians find it hard to believe in miracles because they only

“happen” to very few people, most Christians wonder why that is when

there is world hunger and a lot of evil in the world when God can

perform miracles and is all-loving and all-knowing. Some Christians

believe that if miracles did happen then it would be affecting free

will because it would prevent or help certain people to do certain

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