Christian View Of Justice Essay

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In order to explain the Christian viewpoint in relation to justice, forgiveness and reconciliation it is necessary to define these terms in their broader, and more secular perspective. This will then help to clarify the particular Christian position in this respect.

Therefore, in order to properly consider what is meant by the term "justice," a logical, if not basic, first step is to look up the term in a dictionary. Here, it is defined as 'the quality of being just; rightness; fairness; to treat someone in a fair way'. It is often thought of as the foundation of the judicial system and that it can be achieved by recourse to law. Similarly the term "forgiveness" is defined in the dictionary as 'ceasing to blame or hold resentment against; …show more content…

These manly occur in the New Testament, the healing of the paralysed man (Matthew 9: 31-38) and the woman caught in adultery (John 8: 1-11) being two such examples. In both these stories we are shown that Jesus has the authority to forgive sins and does so for all, no matter what the person's position or sin. Therefore the Christian belief is that forgiveness should be fundamental and willingly given. Also, referring to the story of the woman caught in adultery, Jesus portrays to us today the notion that although we know others have done wrong we should be prepared to forgive and be reconciled with them, as is the case of Jesus forgiving the sins of the woman.

If forgiveness is truly offered and received then reconciliation can take place. Indeed my Christian belief on the matter is that there can never be

reconciliation without forgiveness, which is always an expression of free grace. I feel this should be the overall Christian belief and teaching on the matter as I consider this to be the lesson taught and the one illustrated in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11-32). However, I realise that this personal view is not the only one as the Church allows you to interpret scripture in your own way within the overall Christian

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