Chris Smith's Attitude Towards Refugees

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Many people have different perspectives and views on asylum seekers and refugees. Chris Smith has attempted to shape our perception of asylum seekers and refugees through the use of rhetoric. In the broadcast of Chris Smith from 2GB, (2015). [Radio Station] he clearly expresses his negative attitude towards refugees predominantly Syrians due to the fear that they may have pernicious intentions due to what occurred in 2015. Smith uses an array of language techniques to further express his thoughts on the topical issue affecting Australia through the use of emotive language, inclusive pronouns, and animal imagery. Emotive language is evident in the quote “ We’re learning more and more about the monsters who perpetrated these attacks in Paris” …show more content…

Another technique used to further justify his arguments is Animal Imagery, this is evident in the quote “among the millions swarming out of Syria “ this is used in order to portray the “fake”
Syrian refugees as animals or insects and to dehumanize them. He links them to animals and differentiates them from us making them seem as though they possess the characteristics of an animal rather than a human. Smith applies the technique of inclusive pronouns in order to evoke a sense of commonality between himself and his audience. This technique is utilized in the quote “ we’ve got to do our bit” this technique is used in order to include the responder and to make the message seem as though it's directly addressing the responder, making it more personal and more likely for the responder to respond and also makes the responder think about their personal responsibility. Smith incorporates the use of a rhetorical question in the broadcast, this is clearly evident in the quote “ So can the government really guarantee that the people we let into Australia

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