Choices In David Zinczenko's Don T Blame The Eater

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It is a widely known fact that the obesity rate in America is on the rise; many see the correlation between this fact and the ever-increasing availability of fast food. However, many people refuse to acknowledge their own choice in this matter. In David Zinczenko’s essay entitled Don’t Blame the Eater, the author conveys the idea that the consumer should not be held entirely responsible for what he eats. While Zinczenko begins by listing questions that make the reader put blame on the eater, he then offers his true opinion that suggests the opposite. He argues that the eater should take no blame for what he eats because of the lack of healthier alternatives and the lack of poor warning on the part of the manufacturers of unhealthy food. …show more content…

He argues that tobacco labels have warnings yet fast food does not. However, this argument fails to recognize the fact that anything is bad in large amounts (Bowerman). According to Doctor Andrew Weil, too much fruit can hurt one’s effort to lose weight, and it can even raise a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These risks for fruit exist, yet nobody complains that there are no warning labels on apples. This serves to show that anything has the ability to make a person unhealthy. A diet that includes occasional fast food will not cause a person to become overweight as long as the diet is balanced. Again, this comes down to a person’s choice. If the person chooses to monitor calorie intake and maintains a diet with a variety of good foods, he will keep a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the author’s complaint that fast food companies sell products “with proven health hazards and no warning labels” further proves that the knowledge is available for anyone to obtain (Zinczenko 464). If parents have a concern about the food that they are buying for their children, they can search for and find this information and adjust diets accordingly. The author also states that health information is available upon request. It is up to the consumer to take action and take control of his own health rather than put the blame on the

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