Cho The Asian Carp Analysis

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Cho the Asian carp lives with her disabled brother Chang Pu who has suffered autism since a very young age due to pollution in the Chao Lake. Cho talks to us about the struggles and downfalls of living in this dying lake. This is her story. Every day I get up, I swim to the shops to buy gill filters for Chang and me. (They protect Chang and myself from the toxic water we filter) I then come home to Chang and help him get ready for the grueling day of work, looking after Chang and struggling to survive another day. I have lived with change for my whole life, our parents and all of our siblings have passed away from cancer causing diseases that our world brings upon us, Chang tries his best to help me out but it never manages to help me out, I am constantly running around trying to make money and get food to provide for him. …show more content…

I have never had the money to go to doctors or specialists, he is my everything and my one wish would be to get help for him, to make him well. Every day when I go out, I see men and women both adults and children on the fish-ways and swimmeries struggling to live their life because of poverty, sickness, loss of loved ones and the government never giving us lower fish any financial help. I’m not saying I want the government’s money but if I was handed 20 extra dollars a day I could put that into a savings account to help put Chang and even help us get out of this God forsaken place, get us to somewhere else cleaner and a place that can treat Chang. Things seem grim for Chang and me, but I believe that things can get better for us. (Translated from

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