Chivalry In Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D Arthur

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This was my second and final English class in Georgia Tech and even from the first day, I knew this was unlike any English class I had ever taken, inside or outside Georgia Tech. Due to my experience in my previous English 1101 class, I was already familiar with the WOVEN modes of media; Written, Oral, Visual, Electronic and Non-Verbal. One thing that wasn't familiar about this class was its theme, Knights, Paladins and Codes of Conduct: Chivalry from King Arthur to Captain America. Before I took this, when I would hear the word, chivalry, what would usually come to mind is the romanticized definition of the word tied strictly to courtesy and "being a gentleman". This class showed me the true definition of chivalry, a code of conduct pertaining …show more content…

The true defining quality of chivalry is very subjective, almost every writer has a different quality pertaining to their text; such as spirituality in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D’Arthur, valor in battle in Charny's A Knight's Own Book of Chivalry, selflessness and a good heart in Captain America: The First Avenger etc. We went through several supplementary texts and resources. What really interested me in the resources was the range and diversity; from a chivalric novel published all the way back in the 15th century to a 21st century comic book movie. This diversity and range in chosen texts exemplified how chivalry has evolved and changed with the passing time. The class went took a very in depth and sectioned look at all of the resources and covered a considerable amount of work while still adequately paying a delicate attention to detail to each topic. I really did not expect this workload from an English class but this class managed to surprise me. This class helped me to build on my skills in content organization, proper utilization of my chosen media and taught me how to design properly create and execute an …show more content…

This class gave me an opportunity to further develop my skills in adapting my artifact to fit the confines of my chosen media and also using its features to complement my argument. The second and third artifact utilized an electronic blog and a website, respectively. They both allowed me to integrate pictures, videos and other forms of media. I was able to implement video scenes from YouTube in the Modern Chivalry website to support my argument. Proper utilization of the chosen media is integral to conveying an argument, media can either add or take away to your argument; the inclusion of extraneous material is detrimental to the success of your argument as it distracts readers from focusing on the remaining content and often causes confusion to readers when a connection cannot be established between the textual content and the videos and graphics; a problem I encountered in my second artifact as some pictures had no bearing to the

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