Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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Over the years, there has always been differences among cultures. The fact that what one culture views as ¨right¨, may be considered ¨wrong¨ by another culture. As well as customs and traditions which are then passed down to the newer generations amongst themselves, but they may be viewed as abnormal among other cultures. For example, the customs and traditions practiced in Africa, are viewed quite distinctly between the Igbo culture and European culture. It is all how their practices and learnings have taught them as they were passed down to them.
In the text, Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, contains a religious, strong, impulsive, character in which who is used to demonstrate the effect of cultural collision when European colonization first began to force itself onto the Igbo Culture. On page 178, it mentions, “The white man had indeed brought a lunatic religion, but he had also built a trading store and for the first time palm-oil and kernel became things of great price, and much money flowed into Umuofia.” A man who had just returned from a seven-year-long exile, to his surprise, has found his village already being influenced by the Westerners. The Europeans are not seen right away as a threat because of their contribution to the land’s economy. On page 185, it …show more content…

On page 195, it includes, “At night the messengers came in to taunt them and knock their shaven heads together.” These actions only show neglect which will cause anger among the victims. This is no way to persuade a culture. On page 198, it mentions, “The District Commissioner spoke to them again about the great queen, and about peace and good government. But the men did not listen.” It is clear the Igbo people are being fed up with the Europeans meddling in their culture and lands. It was due to the differences and pressure of the European

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