Chinese Food Vs American Food Essay

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A Pizza Piece on Fried Rice
A defining trait of every country, whether it be Italy or India, is the type of cuisine that they serve. One of the best ways to gain an understanding of a country’s culture is through their food. While some people would deem other aspects of a culture as more important, it is a feature easiest to explain and relate to. A distinguishing fact is that food is both physical and mental in that its creation takes dedication and effort; food is able to create emotions given the proper setting. As cooking traditions evolved throughout the years, to fit people’s ever changing tastes, so does the culture. They are parallel to each other in that as one aspect of culture changes, so does the food and vice versa. Two of the most popular types of foods in society today are American food, and Chinese food. The typical features of how food is prepared and made, the tastes preferred, the utensils, and the beliefs about the food's properties are all reflections of the American and Chinese cultures. …show more content…

Most American food is fried, or otherwise containing a high percentage of oil or grease. For example, hamburgers, steaks, bacon, and fried chicken are common staple diets of average American citizens. As Americans tend to dine out more than the Chinese do, their daily food intake and preparations are at the mercy of fast food chains and restaurants. This large eating habit is consequence of the history of America. America was founded in a time of plenty, which still lives on today. There were no food shortages or famines, so Americans never truly had to dwell on the hardships. This has created the current culture of what their food is today, a reflection of the prosperity they experienced, and which continues to

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