Childhood As An Easy Innocent Stage In Life

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Childhood is viewed by many as an easy innocent stage in life. There are struggles as a child grows and develops into their own self. The changes occurring in childhood bring about the question of what is the most difficult part? For every individual it can differ. Most people would agree that bodily changes, emotional changes, and leaving behind childhood makes the transition from childhood to adolescence the most difficult aspect of childhood. After childhood, hormone production begins to increase. Increased hormone production causes many physical changes. Everyone experiences these changes as they make the transition; and, it is normal. Puberty hits and then people are considered sexually mature adults. Hormone production causes many physical changes. As the body changes and develops it is common to notice how an individual is changing as well as his or her friends. This new change can cause people to feel more attracted to those of the opposite/same sex. This is when sexual maturity kicks in. This is the point in life where a person can have children. Bodily changes going on can cause a change in emotions as well.
The emotional rollercoaster taking place after childhood is confusing. As people progress through childhood and adolescence, their body changes. As their body changes, it can alter the way they …show more content…

With the multiple changes going on during puberty, people may experience conflicting thoughts. People may begin to develop feelings of being trapped or stuck. The desire to be independent can conflict with the desire to have support from parents. Remembering how you were as a child and how you want to be as an adult can cause the feeling of stagnation. Wanting to fit in with friends or holding on to childish interests can cause a person to be conflicted within them self. Having peer pressure can also influence the way a person views themselves in relation to others as they grow into

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