Child Marriage In The United States

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Child marriage is defined as a child being married under 18 years of age. In the United States today, thousands of children under 18 have married adult men, often with approval from their parents and local judges. There are several factors why child marriage should be prohibited in the United States some of which are against human rights, the risk of a child’s health, gender inequality & abuse to a child.
Child marriage should be prohibited because it is against human rights. It harms girl’s rights to education, equality, health and a life without violence and exploitation. It can also sometimes be considered a form of slavery. 71% of girls are modern slave victims, while 25% are children. According to Anti-Slavery International, child marriage can be considered a form of slavery when a child is forced to marry against their will or consent. Or when a child is being abused and/or threatened. Women are being denied the chance to get an education and are rushed to become housewives at an early age. It is still not clear whether child marriage causes children to drop out of school or vice versa. However, it is clear that when a child marries this means that the child will no longer further their education and now has …show more content…

In most cases young girl’s get married to older men when they are still children. Child marriage harms girls, their families, and nations around the world. It should be considered forced marriage because it is without their consent and against their will that they are married. While child marriage is still allowed in all 50 states, people are beginning to discuss the issue. Although, it is extremely rare where a 15-year-old, much less someone younger, is mature enough to handle a marriage. The power to stop them from being put into that position lies within the hands and the responsibility of the parents, governors and

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