Child Labor Thesis

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When the industrial revolution began, families throughout the United States were having financial troubles. They didn’t have a sufficient amount of money coming into the household to survive. Everyone in the family was working besides the young children, who were attending school. The family's last resort, which was to send children into the workforce, was the only option left for them to take. Children were put in harsh working conditions that endangered their safety and health. Although, it took a while adults were able to realize that children should not be working in factories. In order to stop their children from working in factories both men and women knew they needed to do something. They gathered together on April 25th, 1904 at Carnegie …show more content…

Child Labor is a form of work that harmed children and kept them from attaining an education. The financial gap between rich and poor caused children to forced out of school and into the workforce in order to make money to provide for their families. Child labor began in the United States way before the 1900’s. It came in forms of indentured servitude and also child slavery (Trattner). Child labor was commenced when industrialization moved the workforce from agricultural scenarios and home workshops to factories. The factory owners preferred to have children as workers because they were more manageable, affordable, and less likely to revolt against the company owners. Since they were young factory owners knew that they were going to be able to control them easier due to many factors, but especially their size. The factory owners also knew that the children did not know anything about wages, so they could pay them less, Lastly, the factory owners knew that the children were not going to revolt because they were less educated than the adults were (Trattner). Child labor wasn’t approved in the North which caused big factories to move down South so they could continue to have children working. By the 1900’s the states each had different opinions on child labor standards.(wikepidia) Soon both women and men started to realize that their children were being put in conditions that were harming. They wanted to stop it and get their children were they should actually be, which was studying. This ultimately resulted in the formation of the National Child Labor Committee. Child labor has been around for a few centuries. During the beginning of the 17th century, there were eight institutions for abused and neglected

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