Child Beauty Pageants

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Today, kids of all ages can be seen with mental and physical problems. Kids can suffer bad things on childhood, but can competing something that’s supposed to make you feel good cause problems. Kids of ages 2-12 have some diseases that some adults can't even handle. Kids are never equipped to experience some things that comes with these disease. Nobody can fully grasp how hard life is for people living with theses diseases.

The most common thing you could find in a child that is in beauty pageants is eating disorders. Some kids will have anorexia and bulimia by the time they are 9 years old. 26% of kids in beauty pageants have an eating disorder. When these children grow up they can suffer from self-identity problems. According to World Health Organization you should have a Body Mass Index of 20-25. Miss America 2003 had a Body Mass index of just under 20. This can show many participants are undernourished. Lastly, According to the Huffington Post children as young a 6-years-old are being diagnosed with eating disorders, and children start dieting commonly under the age of 10. Children are being told to be skinny in order to win creating serious problems with their minds. …show more content…

Depression is a mental disorder that causes people to feel sad or loss of interest or pleasure. Kids as young as 2 can fall under depression in the beauty pageant world. Kids are taught they have to win cause if they don't it's bad. So this causes kids to become very sad if they lose many key pageants. Body image problems are some big things we see in adults and young kids after the beauty pageant world. Kids can care too much what they look like because they were always judged on what they looked looked like. This can also lead to self-identity

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