Child Abuse During Adulthood

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Abstract Child abuse and neglect represent major threats to child health and well-being however, little is known about consequences for adult economic outcomes. Results indicate that adults with documented histories of childhood abuse and/or neglect have lower levels of education, employment, earnings, and fewer assets as adults, compared to match control children. There is a 14% gap between individuals with histories of abuse/neglect and controls in the probability of employment in middle age, controlling for background characteristics. Abuse appears to affect men and women differently, with larger effects for women than men. These new findings demonstrate that abused and neglected children experience large and enduring economic consequences. The Effects of Child Abuse during Adulthood …show more content…

Parents are their main support of safety and security until child abuse violates all of this. Child abuse takes a wide variety of forms, and can range from mild to severe. When the relationship is betrayed children tend to become negative about many things. People who have been abuse as a child usually demonstrate high-risk sexual behavior, financial setbacks and alcohol and substance abuse. These topics are extremely hard to deal with and most who have dealt with child abuse carry the effects of it their entire

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