Cheating Man Monologue

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I don't even know where to begin. You are the most ignorant person I have ever met. How can you keep doing this to us and think it's ok? Do you know the pain you are putting me through? It's not only about me but it's our family you have destroyed. You have done so much to not only mom but me and Anthony to and it's not fair anymore. You need get your priorities straight and figure out what the fuck you and who the fuck you want in your life because I'm not going to live another day like this and I'm not going to let mom go through this pain for someone asshole cheating man like you. You have been cheating on her for almost four years and you think that's healthy do. You are far from a man that I ever to respect. I've never met a man that can disrespect and not care about his family as …show more content…

You make her seem like she's crazy but it's fucking you. You need to stop the lying and get fucking help. It's disgusting that you can call another woman babe , take care of children more then you take care of your own, and sleep with her while YOU ARE FUCKING STILL MARRIED. IT'S NOT RIGHT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND OR WHAT? Now on to me... Let's see you have also ABUSED ME PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, AND EMOTIONALLY. You have absolutely destroyed me I have no respect for you and can't even love and enjoy times with my own father. I have asked you so many times to take off but you always put me down and say no. Then yesterday I asked you about going to Anthony's of course you chose JESSICA AND HER KIDS over being with your WIFE AND YOUR KIDS. Does this make any sense to you? I have no idea why I am still up and writing all this and wasting my tears on someone that doesn't even care anymore because you aren't going to reply or care what I say. You call me a liar the other day when I seen it as clear as day you threw something down the hamper but tried to make me look like an idiot but that didn't have because I stood my ground and saw what I

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