Che Guevara Research Paper

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Ernesto Che Guevara grew up in Argentina in a leftist family and was exposed to a wide range of political views as a young boy. His Father, Ernesto Guevara Lynch from Irish lineage, influenced his disciplined work ethic and restless determination to achieve his goals. He also taught him how to play chess and motivated him to start competing in local tournaments. His Mom, Celia de la Serna´s romantic and independent spirit was his greatest influence, as she was interested in playing solitaire and smoking, and did not pay much attention to details. The Guevara´s did not try to hide their little interest for the high class, they rather thought of knowledge and education as the most important asset in life. Their house lacked normal furniture, paintings, and decorations, but was full of over 3000 books shelved and stacked everywhere; it is no wonder, that Che was never too worried about personal hygiene or fashion trends and that he would rather become an avid reader of poetry, philosophy, and literature, among other subjects. His parents were obviously the first big …show more content…

Early in his life, he developed a profound empathy for those in poverty. He thought that pursuing a medical career was the best vehicle to accomplish his vision of helping others. While studying in the University of Buenos Aires he started reading leftwing authors ranging from Joseph Stalin to Alfredo Palacios, the founder of the socialist party in Argentina, while at the same time became deeply interested in Marxism. Moreover, he saw in Juan Peron, the president at the time, the most inspiring figure for he achieved strong relationships with the industrial unions. Regardless of the socialist writings, Che saw the communist party with strong skepticism, for he did not see the possible impact of the party in the Argentine Government. It was around this time, his early twenties, that he started his numerous and extensive travels in Latin

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