Chaucer's Use Of Satire To Obtain His Intended Audience

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Chaucer the Comedian

(An Analysis of Chaucer’s use of Satire to Obtain His Intended Audience) From generation to generation there have always been people who want to drastically change the way the human system has been set up. Martin Luther King Jr. in the 50’s and 60’s with civil rights; or Christ himself about 2000 years ago, they wanted to change the way we a human's looked at the world. Geoffrey Chaucer, commonly referred to as the “Father of English Literature” because he was the first poet to write in vernacular english instead of Anglo-Saxton or Latin. He is also referred to as iconoclastic for the ways he attacks most of 1300 Europe and the way it has operated for hundreds of years. In his story The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer writes of …show more content…

In the story, Chaucer acts as a journalist to write down these grotesque and obscene stories he uses to bash these ideas. He doesn’t attack the church as a whole, just the selling of indulgences and paying to look at relics. He comes up with the story, “The Pardoner's Tale,” and starts off with a prologue to introduce themselves. The Pardoner basically says I love women and money, a horrible thing for being a pardoner. In “The Pardoner's Prologue,” on lines 19-20 the pardoner says, “Is all my sermons, for it frees the pelf. Out to come the pence, and specially for myself.” Meaning, he love to take people’s money for himself. This outcome of the Pardoner has a negative impact towards making the church look like robbers. He continues on lines 24-25 in the prologues stating, “Once dead what matter how their souls fare? The can go blackberrying, for all I care!” The Pardoner uses his stories to empty people’s pelfs because of his cupidity or greed for money. The line in simple terms say after they die I don’t care where they go to Hell blackberry picking for all he cares. This is the first iconoclastic idea Chaucer will bash

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