Charles Dickens Misogynist Essay

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Charles Dickens was a man of many talents, he could perform, he could write, and he could charm; all very valuable attributes. However, it would seem that Charles Dickens had become quite the misogynist, and he used those attributes to accentuate this woman demeaning characteristic. As a misogynist, Dickens had a very clear view on what he expected a woman to look like, act like, and do, and he reflected this in most of his writing. “Dickens wrote as if he believed a woman’s place was mostly in the home, doing domestic things and supporting her husband” (Scheckner. 240.) It would be logical to say that this is how most people thought in the Victorian Era. However, Dickens ideas begin to get a little odd. Scheckner continues saying, “Mrs. Joe …show more content…

Rosabud is the the young woman that not one, but three men swoon over in this novel. She is described as, “The pet pupil of the Nuns’ house is miss Rosa Bud, of course called Rosabud; wonderfully pretty, wonderfully childish, wonderfully whimsical.” Dickens seemed to be stuck on the idea of the perfect woman as something actually quite less than a woman. I believe this is because Charles Dickens was never able to get over the heartache of his first love. Maria Beadnell was born in 1810, Charles Dickens would meet and fall in love with Maria in 1830. Charles Dickens was born in 1812, which would put him at the age of 18 and Maria at the age of 20. I have a theory that it is no coincidence that all of the angelic female characters that he creates throughout most of his novels are around this age range. He seems to have an odd obsession with childlike beauty and innocence, the same which was likely present in Maria. I think Maria had a significant influence on Dickens mindset of the angelic female figure, I also believe that his obsession with this time of young woman was cemented when his second most idolized woman, Mary Hogarth tragically passed at the age of 17. Rose Maylie, the angelic figure of Oliver Twist, was also described as 17 years

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