Characters In Jamaica Kincaid's Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

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I always thought that I had the reins of the horse when we rode across the vast stretches of the wheat field. I thought he was being supportive when he held my palms and pressed them tightly against the reins. I thought he was teaching me. Sadly, all that he did was control he and drive me around the way it pleased him. We saw how organization choices affects the dynamics of the story and brings out the development of the characters which makes a story beautiful. Girl by Jamaica Kincaid is an example of how punctuations can help build a tone set by the secondary character that leads to the character development of the protagonist. It is a single sentence short story which has a perfect use of ‘,’ and ‘;’ to set the pace of the story. Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the strong heap; was the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry; don’t walk bareheaded in the hot sun; cook pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil;(…) This short story is about the mother-daughter relationship. It focuses on the advice a mother gives to her daughter about different things in day-to-day life and how a girl should improve herself so she is never rejected in society. During the start of this story, the advice which we read would make us side with the mother as we might feel that …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald where Jay Gatsby (the protagonist) becomes a millionaire and throws extravagant parties but doesn’t take part in them. He puts up these pompous events in order to impress Daisy and rekindle their lost romance. During the entire story, we notice how Jay changes from a regular boy to a mysterious millionaire and the choices he makes after that for Daisy. One choice leads to his death in the end. Thus, the reigns of the entire story were in the hands of the secondary characters and they are the reason we root for the

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