Character Foils

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Character foils can be found in almost every work of literature. Foils, which are characters “set in contrast” as a way to “highlight certain virtues or flaws” (DeGaaff 1) can be found throughout literature, from Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, to Estella and Biddy, to Shinji and Yasuo. In a foil, the two characters compliment each other by enhancing each other’s qualities to be more vivid. They are a “paradox of similarity and dissimilarity” (DeGaaf 1), because in addition to having major differences, they need to have something in common, too. Their actions and their fates all tie into the theme, and exemplifies the qualities the author finds paramount to the plot of the novel. In The Sound of Waves, Yukio Mishima uses the literary …show more content…

When Yasuo learns that Hatsue and Shinji got together, his response is to “[take] advantage of [Hatsue’s] trustfulness” and attempt to “seduce”(Mishima 91) her. Due to his attempt, Hatsue begs her father not to wed her to Yasuo. Additionally, when Yasuo is working on Uncle Teru’s boat he is “lazy” and does “just enough” yet still claims he is to “become Uncle Teru’s son”(155). Even though he barely does his job, he is still under the pretense that he is going to be handed Hatsue and that his employ in Uncle Teru’s boat is just a formality. Shinji, however, “[covers] up for him”(163). He does extra work just so his superiors do not know about Yasuo’s slacking, even though he does not particularly like or respect Yasuo. He also volunteered to swim to a buoy in a typhoon when everyone else, including Yasuo, refused. He is mad at himself for “cowering”(165), even though he is the bravest in the group. When Uncle Teru is informed of Shinji’s actions, he decides “he [is] the one for my girl”(175). Thus, Yukio Mishima makes it clear that the most important quality needed to succeed is the decision to put in the effort. Throughout The Sound of Waves, both Shinji and Yasuo wish to wed Hatsue, but as foils, their contrasting approaches further prove that claim. While Yasuo believes he inherently deserves what he

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