Character Analysis Of 'The Heart Of The Marlow'

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The other, less significant characters include the General Manager, Brickmaker, Chief Accountant, Pilgrims, Cannibals, Russian trader, Helmsman, Kurtz’s African mistress, Kurtz’s intended, the Aunt, Freselven, and the men aboard the Nellie (the Company). The General Manager is the chief agent of the Company of African territory, which runs the General Station. He had the ability to cause people around him to feel awkward and out of place in order to control them. He was unremarkable in terms of his abilities and had an average appearance. The Brickmaker was met by Marlow at the Central Station. He was thought of as the favorite of the manager and is possibly a corporate spy. Contradictory to his name, the brickmaker never actually produces any bricks. The Chief accountant was a really good worker who was one of the few colonials to have accomplished anything, in his case he trained a native woman to take care of his wardrobe. He is known to have been a really good worker who was always dressed in spotless whites. The Pilgrims are people of the Central Station who remind Marlow of religious travelers. They make themselves seem less than human because they hate natives and treat them like animals. The Cannibals are natives that aren’t what their name makes them seem. They are hired crew of the boat and are nice people. Some are smart and even able to reflect on …show more content…

This story has a very dark mood and atmosphere in which it takes place. Hence, the title Heart of Darkness. This is shown in relation to how the story takes place during a dark time, when England was taking over places by force. In addition to this, the story mainly takes place in the dark jungle. It is said in the beginning of the book that many people’s adventures into the jungle don’t always work out for the better. The setting of this story in relation to where and when it takes place helps enhance the overall mood of being a dark story.

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