Character Analysis Of Ishmael's Lessons From 'Bra Spider'

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Throughout the book the audience has seen Ishmael go through adventure and sorrow. In the novel Ishmael is forced to go to war at age thirteen, but what keeps him going were his grandmother's wise words. His grandmother was the one who told him powerful lessons that he could use in real life. These lesson that Ishmael is keeping him grounded is not only from his grandmother but also from his friends. Lessons that were seen by the readers are “wild pigs”, “Bra Spider”, and the story about the moon. The first story that is seen is the “wild pigs” story that is told by Ishmael grandmother. This story is about a pig hunter who magically turns into a wild boar. He then created trust with the wild pigs then changed back to a human and kill the pigs. The later on figured out how is able to transform from boar to human, and they figured out it was a secret plant; once the hunter was gone the pigs stomped and killed all of the secret plant. The cultural purpose of this story is used as a representation of the similarity of the wild pigs and the RUF. This is because the wild pigs now have beef with human and do anything to get …show more content…

This story is about a hungry spider that wanted to eat at all the feasts in different villages. For the spider to be able to do this he left ropes at each village and when there is a feast, the villagers are instructed to pull the rope. The unexpected thing that the spider did not know was going to happen was that every village food was ready at the same time, and the spider had the rope tied around his waist. Due to the villages food ready at the same time the spider was pulled in all directions and was not able to eat any of the food. The novel’s purpose of this fable is to tell a story of why do spiders have small waist, but it is also supposed to show the both Ishmael and the audience that live is unpredictable even when things are

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