Character Analysis: Marie-Laure

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Etienne LeBlanc - Marie-Laure’s great-uncle. He and his brother, Henri (Marie-Laure’s grandfather), created and broadcasted the radio programs that Werner and Jutta grew up listening to. Henri died during World War I. After, Etienne is traumatized. Marie-Laure arrives and with her love slowly makes him brave again. Marie and Etienne begin to use his late housekeepers radio transmitter to help the French resistance movement. Madame Manec - Etienne’s housekeeper. She is elderly yet energetic. She organizes a group of old women in Saint-Malo to work for the resistance. She arranges for Allied intelligence to be delivered to her in loaves of bread and broadcast with Etienne’s radio. Etienne refuses at first, but after Madame Manec dies Etienne

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