Chall Around Athlete: A Short Story

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To begin with the story, I will tell you about a named Mya, who really wants to become an ¨All Around Athlete¨. It will take a lot of work to get to that point. Some people think it´s impossible to get there. ¨Well not really if you keep practicing and pushing through obstacles that you believe you can accomplish it´s not that hard, ¨Mya´s proclaimed. The first thing, she will try to do is basketball, soccer, and softball. She start by trying out for this team called ¨Garden City Queen¨, which is a basketball team. It was difficult at first, but I got used to it like for example, pass the ball to right wing and fake to the free-throw line, then go to the left wing while you do your scream distraction, on the left winged guard and finally fall back to the left wing. My basketball team won the first game, but the second game as a result to the loss to the ¨Strike Force¨. After the big game, I met a friend and her name was Taylor. When I realized I and Taylor were on the same team, …show more content…

That was hilarious! After, all of the basketball activities, I tried out for a soccer team called the ¨Sharks¨. I personally liked this team because of the color of their jerseys, which is my favorite color purple. As my first soccer game came upon me, I was excited.
The team we played was considered an unbeatable team, but that was ELA/Reading disappeared once I scored the is 92. My mom and dad were proud of me that they finally let me play another sport. My other sport was softball and I played for my school.
The second thing, Mya will try to do is cheer-leading, tennis, golf, and gymnastics. Cheer-leading were a lot of work. At my school we had to do splits, jumps, stretches, and more. I had my first performance at Hephzibah Middle School for the boys´ basketball game, because I had to play for the Lady Rebels. Then, I started trying out for tennis, which I had to buy a racket and tennis ball. After, I had to do is serve, and overhead

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