Central Park Shooting Essay

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On the night of April 19, 1989, a brutal incident occurred that would be known as one of the most heinous crimes in New York History. Around 9p.m., a white woman by the name of Trisha Meili was severely beaten and raped in northern Central Park. Within several days, five teenage boys under the age of 16 were charged and eventually convicted for the attacks. Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana Jr., Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, and Korey served between 6 to 13 years in prison for this crime. However, what made this case significant was that all five boys were falsely convicted because they gave false confessions. Years after the cases, researchers discovered that even without the confession from the true assailant, these boys should have never …show more content…

Before the attack on Trisha Meili, police were all ready at the scene because there were reports that a mob of teenage boys causing mischief and harassing people in the park. Therefore, police were arresting anybody that fit the description of a teenage male, which included Kevin Richardson and Raymond Santana Jr. According to the documentary, The Central Park Five, Kevin and Raymond were stopped at random in the park, placed in the back of a cop car, and were sent to the Central Park precinct for questioning. What confuses me about the entire situation was the fact that not only were they randomly stopped and forced to go to the precinct, but that they were automatically assumed and questioned about committing the crime when they discovered the body hours after the boys had already been with the police. I believe that they brought them in based on assumption and racial bias. During that era there was a lot of racial tension and men of color were consistently being charged of crimes. However, it shocks and disgusts me that the on-scene cops assumed that those boys were no good just because they were people of color and they were in the park. It makes me wonder that if they were young white boys, would the police still have questioned

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