Censorship In Music Essay

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Censorship Issues in Music
Tyler J. Redding
Full Sail University In the music industry, censorship of music is a huge problem; people are banning music that is “morally” wrong yet do not ban some song that portray a negative image on today’s generation. A lot of music these days consists of sexual and violent themes that have a critical affect on teens and children in which censorship committees try to regulate. With that, there is also music that devalues woman, has more violent themes, in depth sexual themes and gives negative ideas to not just the younger generation but to adults as well. This kind of music is just being accepted into society without concerns of the messages they give; while bans on more mainstream artists are the main focus. Censorship committees around the world are always banning or attempting to ban different music and artists, but are they banning the right kind of music?
There is lots of music that has, or was close to, being banned for various reasons ranging from sexual orientation to statement that has no relevance to the music. In 2002, Nasruding Hassan Tantawi put in an appeal to have Elton John banned from performing in Malaysia on the terms that John was a homosexual (Eimer, D.) Though the ban was unsuccessful it still serves as a great example on unnecessary bans through the world. Another ban that was on a more serious …show more content…

Censorship committees The instability of censorship of music in the industry today is becoming more of a straining and controversial topic. The lack of bans on music that provide a message on young teens and children today and the focus of bans on more mainstream artists is one of the largest issue included with it. Censorship committees need to focus more towards the music that gives a negative to the community instead of bans

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