Causes of the American Revolution

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Between 1763 and 1775, the British attempted to exert control over the colonies. Since they had become accustomed to their mother country’s salutary neglect, Britain trying to prevent them from flourishing angered the colonists. Although the colonists were determined to separate from Britain, the American Revolution was mainly caused by British “missteps” including taxation, troop placement, and Mercantilism.

The colonists did want to separate from Britain because of how unfairly they were being treated, but at heart most of them still felt a strong bond to their home land. Therefore, their resistance was a direct result of Britain’s errors. The colonists set up a Non-importation agreement in order to protest the excessive taxes the British placed on them. The colonists established intercolonial unity by enacting the Stamp Act Congress, but it was only to try and repeal the Stamp Act. While they also put a Continental Congress into session, it was because they wanted to redress their grievances to the crown. The Sons and Daughters of Liberty kept the sprit of revolution alive by having spinning-bees and holding meetings because Britain continued to treat the colonists like children. Lastly, Samuel Adams started the Committees of Correspondence which helped the colonies communicate the problems they were dealing with. Overall, every reaction of the colonists was instigated by Britain’s desire to exert control over the colonies. If Britain had not angered the colonists, they would not have been able to unite over a common “enemy”.

The first of many British “missteps” was their need to tax the colonists on every day items, even after many protests. In 1764 the Sugar Act was enacted to raise tax revenue in the colonies for Englan...

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...the colonies in all cases whatsoever. This was an immature move on Britain’s part because it made the colonists think they were no longer being treated equal to the Englishmen residing in Britain. The Intolerable Acts limited colonists' rights and made restrictions on town meetings, which were especially crucial to the New England way of life. After hundreds of years of salutary neglect, by enforcing the laws of Mercantilism on the colonies, Britain backed the colonists into a corner where they had no choice but to fight for their rights.

After the French and Indian War, Britain committed many “missteps” regarding their control in the colonies. Even though the colonists were determined to be treated fairly by Britain, they were forced into rebelling because of Britain’s harsh policies towards the colonies including taxation, troop placement, and Mercantilism.

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