Causes of the American Civil War

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The Civil War was caused by a myriad of conflicting pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by sectional differences and pride, and set into motion by a most unlikely set of political events. From the colonial period in America where the institution of slavery began, through the period of the revolution whereby blood was shed to validate the notion that all men were created equal (yet slavery existed in all thirteen colonies), to the era of the Civil War itself, it is undoubtedly clear that the main causative factor of the war was slavery itself. With that said, it is the objective of this brief essay to shed light on three of the causative factors that led to the Civil War while subsequently considering the question of whether or not the conflict solved any of the issues that contributed to the war. As mentioned above, first and foremost the war was about the issue and institution of slavery. The southern states depended on slave labor to support and sustain their vast economy. Without slave labor (as immigrants from other countries simply did not migrate to the southern states as such was the case with the industrialized north) the southern economy was essentially lost. The southern plantation owners used slaves to produce crops such as cotton. Cotton became not only the largest source of trade and income for the southern states, but accounted for approximately half of the export industry within the United States as a whole. This fact serves to illustrate the obvious reliance and importance of slave labor for the southern plantation owners. It is important to note however, that although slavery within the northern states was declared illegal, there were in reality, few who opposed it. Although some northerners... ... middle of paper ... ...south, the region was still not an area characterized by industrialization and manufactured goods such as the north was subsequent to the war. In any case, the Civil War, although occurring some 143 years ago, has instilled in the American people not only a sense of history, but also a sense of identity. For instance, proud southerners in areas such as Texas can be seen sporting new pick-up trucks with the confederate flag tacked to the inside of the vehicle's back window. Displays such as this truly mark the undeniable reality that much of what the Civil War was fought over, and much of the mind-set behind it still exists even today. With that said, I do believe the Civil War was a necessity, because even the greatest of compromisers must cast away words and diplomacy for the shedding of blood from time to time. For Americans, the Civil War was that time.

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