Causes of World War One

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Causes of World War One There were many reasons as to why WWI began. The long term causes were imperial and economic rivalry between Britain and Germany. Britain was jealous of Germany because Germany's strength was growing- it was producing more iron and steel than Britain. Germany's navy was growing and its empire was expanding. Germany was jealous of Britain's empire and wealth. It also feared the fact that unfriendly countries (France and Russia) were on its eastern and western borders. Because of all this rivalry, Britain decided to make an alliance with France and Russia. This was called the ''triple entente''. This meant that if any country tried to attack them, the rest of the entente would back them up. Germany already had an alliance called the ''triple alliance'' with Italy and Austria-Hungary (then 2 countries. Most historians agree that by 1914, Britain and Germany were looking for an excuse to start a war and settle things once and for all. No-one expected a long war, just to see who was the strongest. On June 28 1914, they found their excuse. This was the 'spark'. The Austria-Hungarian heir ARCHDUKE FRANZ FERDINAND was assassinated by a Serb nationalist GAVRILO PRINCIP. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia and declared war on them. Russia said they would defend Serbia which prompted Germany to order Russia not to help Serbia. Russia declined so Germany declared war on Russia and started to move its army towards France and Belgium. The French army was put on alert ready for a German invasion. France already disliked Germany and wanted revenge after, in 1871, France lost two of its regions (Alsace and Lorraine) to Germ... ... middle of paper ... ...wards or forwards until well into 1918 which caused even more casualties. During ww1, 20 million people had died. 9 million died in combat. There were lots of casualties because ww1 was a total war which meant it affected soldiers as well as civilians. There were over 200,000 dead soldiers in the British Empire of which 1/3 were Indian. WWI was often known as the ''great war'' or ''the war to end all wars'' because the stupidity and violence of the war was so horrific that people thought nothing like this would ever happen again. The war then ended with the signing of the ''treaty of versailles''thesis one of the reasons why the war went on for so long. Despite world hope that the end of the war would restore peace on a permanent basis, WWI actually provided the basis for an even more devastating conflict-WWII.

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