Causes of Teen Suicide: Adolescent Confusion, Stress, and Depression

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Causes of Teen Suicide: Adolescent Confusion, Stress, and Depression

I have had a first-hand experience with teen suicide. Everyone says your senior year of high school should be the best year or your life. You are one step closer to that freedom you always dreamed of, and you will have the best times with your friends since you will all never be together again. The seniors at Wildwood High see is differently because that was the year when a close friend committed suicide.

December 13, 2004, started out like any other Saturday morning. I was heading down to my aunt's store when a cop flew by me and turned down Matt's street. I didn't think much of it until a coroner's van flew by with a cop car behind it. When I was heading home I saw that same van parked in front of Matt's house with the ambulance backed in the driveway. I thought to myself maybe it was a neighbor, but in the back of my mind I knew something wasn't right. Matt had not been himself for weeks. He rarely came to school, he distance himself, and was very depressed. Everyone was worried about him, expect his mom. She thought this was normal for a high school student because of the stress he was going through.

Later that day my aunt called, and told me to put my mom on. I could tell she was upset, so right then I knew Matt was dead. Ten minutes later my Pop-Pop came over and sat with my mom as they told me Matt commit suicide. I was devastated because I just talked to him the day before and he seemed better. He told us he was feeling better and he might go out with us that Saturday night. But he wasn't, and a friend which I have had since pre-school is now gone. My experience with teen suicide has led me to want to research what is driving teens to commit su...

... middle of paper ... family life he had all the love and support from his friends. But as you can see that wasn't enough. He needed medical attention and family support. With all the information out there I feel that teen suicide awareness is greater than ever, so hopefully more lives will be spared. Works Cited 2002. 07 Mar. 2005 .

"Suicide Statistics." 05 Jan. 2002. Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program. 07 Mar. 2005 .

"Suicide: Teen Suicide." 1997. National Mental Health Association. 07 Mar. 2005 .

"Teen Depression: Warning Signs, Information, Getting Help ." Focus Adolescent Services. 09 Mar. 2005 .

"Teen Stress." Wholistic Stress Control Institute. 07 Mar. 2005 .

Teen Suicide. July 2004. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 07 Mar. 2005 .

"Understanding and Preventing Teen Suicide." 01 Sept 2001. Kids Health For Parents. 07 Mar. 2005 .

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