Causes Of The French And Indian War Essay

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In 1754-1763 The French and Indian war was fought between France and Great Britain. The war began when the British wanted to settle in the Ohio River Valley in order to trade with the Native Americans but the french had already developed forts to protect their trade with the natives, The British was defeated and so they declared war on France. The conflicts of the French and Indian war altered the relationship of Great Britain and its American colonies from at first growing together as one to then separating because of conflicts of Independence. After the French and Indian war Great Britain and its American colonist were able to have peace for the time because of the elimination of the French and Indian threat. French removed itself off the …show more content…

The British Order in Council said ¨The British revenue only paid for a fourth of the cost and was inconsiderable ¨ (DOC 6). Due to not being able to afford to protect the colonies Great Britain developed mercantilist policies in order to gain some money. Mercantilism benefited the mother country but the colonies were only allowed to trade with Great Britain making them overspend for items in order to gain some revenue. The colonial government now had less power because of this policy of mercantilism. Soldiers at the time thought that they were not being treated fairly, one soldiers diary said ¨And though we be Englishmen born, we are [denied] Englishman's liberty (DOC 4). The British treated colonist with less respect than they would have if they were from Great Britain which caused a divide worsening the relationship between Great Britain and the American colonist. Taxes were also enforced in the colonies to pay for the British troops. The colonist thought this new taxation seemed unfair, they saw it as death to their liberties (DOC 7). Great Britain introduced tax such as the stamp act (1765), the sugar act (1764), and the Townshend acts (1767). American colonist thought that they should have taxation with representation so they formed groups such as the sons and daughters of liberty and boycotted taxed

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