Cause And Effects Of World War 1 Essay

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World war 1 was a brutal war that could have been prevented if Germany didn’t strike back at the assassination of the Arch Duke Franz. Once Germany invaded Poland the war broke out to a horrifying fight that impacted every country. The united states happened to have been the least effected by the war and actually grew richer by selling goods and needs to other countries. America was viewed as a savior of Europe. Speed up American industrial production and performance was better than ever. Leading to the economic boom and the roaring twenties. “For the first time the United States mobilized its enormous industrial potential and intervened outside the American continent. Toward the end of the war a radical socialist group seized power in Russia …show more content…

Industrialized countries began to realize their identities and began to work on creating what they never had before the war. The government learned how to use propaganda and diplomatic tensions grew throughout the world with allies and axis powers. Technology allowed soldiers to fight from a distance with newer weapons of destruction, thus the weapon industry grew, but not only with machine guns and ammo, also with gas that harmed and killed people and which still effects western civilizations to this day. The countries involved in the war suffered a great loss or a great gain but will have been forever effected by this war that should not have happened. The war caused civilian strikes across the nation and had many consequences even though some nations gained territory, regained territory and independence after the war. Some nations lost territory or …show more content…

I believe that this war should have been prevented and was dragged out and the direct cause of Hitler’s rise which resulted in the second world war. In My opinion, I think that world war 1 was the blame to the most brutal war. With Hitler, concentrations camps and the Germans murdering the Jews the gruesome ways that they did, they had no remorse and personally am glad that Germany lost the war or was forced to surrender the war due to the lack of resources they had. World war one changed the world

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