Cause And Effect Essay On Texting And Driving

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The Effects of Texting and Driving Taking your eyes and mind off the road for more than 3 seconds raises the chances of ending up in a fatal accident (Ameen 7). Texting and driving has become more frequent. Many try to find loopholes in distracted driving. Statistics have been found that prove distractions effect the attention that is needed to drive a car. Teen and adult drivers need to realize the deadly effects of texting and driving. Texting and driving is not limited to teens. "48% of kids in their younger teenage years have been in a car while the driver was texting. Over 1600 children in the same age group are killed each year because of crashes involved drivers who texted. " 87% of teens say texting and driving is dangerous (Schuler 6). 18% still text and drive (Schuler 11). 20% to 25% of teens admit to sending a text every time they drive. "Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teens plus, the number of teen crash fatalities tends to rise during the summer months according to a AAA analysis," (Schuler 5). Driving at night and driving with passengers effects the driver's awareness of what is going on around …show more content…

"Reading a text message while driving successfully distracts a driver for a minimum of 5 seconds each time," (Ameen 1). With the average speed being 55 miles per hour, in 5 seconds a car could travel the length of a football field (Ameen 5). "37% of brain activity is focused on texting instead of driving." The AAA has found distractions can last 27 seconds after it is done (Schuler 3). Manual attention, visual attention, and cognitive attention is affected by both texting and driving. Driving uses manual attention to steer the car, visual attention needs to be on the road, and cognitive attention is needed for navigation. Texting needs manual attention for typing the message, visual attention to see what is being typed, and cognitive attention to think about your message (Schuler

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