Cattle Prices

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INTRODUCTION The market of cattle prices is something that changes constantly from day to day. More specifically the factors that impact feeder cattle prices have an effect on the cattle market, consumers and producers. These factors that affect feeder cattle prices include where the calves come from, location and weather conditions at the feedlot or where the calves came from, the market of cattle prices, the weight of the calves, the breed of cattle, and the quality of the cattle’s carcass. Each of these factors can explain to the producers and consumers about the impact of cattle prices and how the market works between the two. Whether the location of the producer is in the dry arid part of west Texas or the humid rainy areas of east Texas, …show more content…

The consumer will get a high quality product at the price given in the store after the price is determined from the price of the feeder calves when sold to the packer and what the prices in the economy is at a reasonable and affordable price for the consumer. Factors that impact the prices of meat, such as corn and oil prices, also impact the prices that are given to feeder cattle as well as the direct factors listed above. Most of the determinants for the prices of feeder calves will be discussed, reviewed, and researched for the importance of the feeder cattle market. The objective of this paper is to determine the factors that impact cattle prices in today’s cattle markets. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Origin of Calves The calves that come into a feedlot come from different parts of Texas, United States, and the World. According to Barham and Troxel (2007), the southeastern region of the United States contains around fifty-three percent of the country’s beef cattle operations. Most of the cattle operations in this region have less than fifty beef cows and most of these cattle operations sell their cattle in a livestock auction to make their profit. Also the feedlots the cattle are taken too, differ as in how they are set up and operated. …show more content…

The composition of breeds such as bone size, muscle areas, and which cattle put on fat more than muscle or vice versa. An experiment in Arkansas studied the frequencies of breeds and colors that entered into a feedlot as well as cost in value in the years of 2000 and 2005 to compare the differences. The breeds were determined by frame score, muscle thickness, color, breed characteristics, and body structure. These cattle breeds were based upon perception of breeds instead of the breed composition itself. From year 2000 to 2005 Angus, Angus crossed with Hereford and Charolais, and Brahman cattle increased their frequency coming into the feedlot and their value. A lot of the one that decreased frequency and value had to do with Limousin or a Limousin cross. Also in that study the color of the cattle that increased in 2000 to 2005, were yellow-white face, black-white face, black and gray, and the ones that decreased were white, red-white face, and red (Troxel and Barham, 2007). These facts from this article are also looked at from producers to produce cattle along the trends that will maximize their profits. Also, when producers start going along with the trend of the breeds and color it helps the feedlots keep a uniform product that will help them in the selling of feeder calves to packers or producers. Cattle that are uniform produce a uniform product which overall helps the

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