Cathy J. Cohen's Punks Summary

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In “Punks...,” Cathy J. Cohen discusses queer politics and analyzes the issue of normalization. Cathy Cohen believes that queer politics must be left politics, anti-capitalist, because queer activists are willing to “confront normalizing power by emphasizing and and exaggerating their own antinormative characteristics and nonstable behavior.” Cohen implies that to be queer is to be the opposite of normal. To follow normalize constructs is also follow capitalism as it is the normal to the United States’ economic system. Furthermore, Cohen states “a Left framework of politics… brings into focus the systematic relationship among forms of domination, where the creation and maintenance of exploited, subservient, marginalized classes is a necessary …show more content…

Cohen addresses “heteronormativity” as “localized practices and those centralized institutions that legitimize and privilege heterosexuality and heterosexual relationships as fundamental and ‘natural’ within society.” Cohen believes heteronormativity will “work to support and reinforce institutional racism, patriarchy, and class exploitation.” Heteronormativity provides power to the “‘morally correct,’ white, state authorized, middle-class male heterosexual” and oppresses the “culturally deficient, materially bankrupt, state-dependent heterosexual woman of color.” Heteronormativity gives people a sense of privilege and “feeling of supremacy” if they are to be within the norms of …show more content…

In the video, gay marriage is seen as the root of destruction for building a family. People are scared of things that have not been normalized in society, and having same-sex marriage destroys the foundation of a nuclear family. However, to gays and lesbians, anyone in love with each other can build a family even with adoption. In the article, Priya Kandaswamy believes that marriage is not based on love, but “a legal institution that is fundamentally about preserving property relations.” Marriage does not any sexuality from loving or expressing affection to one another. However, it does affect whether or not their spouse or family will inherit or retain family wealth. Homosexuality is also intersecting with race. In the video, homosexuals wanted to be considered as a minority group; however, this would put them under the Civil Rights Act which was made possible by the colored community. People of color do not agree with having homosexuality as an individual group because it will then grant all sexuality the rights within the Civil Rights Act, making it null and meaningless. Homosexuality does not also follow the three requirements to be considered a minority group: immutable characteristics, financial discrimination, and political weakness. In the article, sexuality can be seen intersecting with gender and race as stated by Marlon Bailey, “not

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