Catholic Church Research Paper

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Apex United Methodist church has changed the way I look at life, and the way I want to live my life. Growing up, my parents made me go to church. It was like a chore - I had to do it. Like most other seven year olds in America, I woke up at 7:00 a.m. every Sunday morning looking forward to playing video games and spending time with my friends. Instead, I had to go get dressed in those fancy clothes, my mom had to brush and gel my hair, and then I had to spend two hours listening to boring sermons and awful singing. Oh, how I despised the choir singing! All I wanted was to play my Gameboy, ride my bike, or play anything outside with my friends! I thought I would always loathe Sunday mornings; however, over the past nine years, my perspective of Church and what is means to me has evolved. Between the age of seven and eleven, I was present at church every Sunday. But, as soon as one 1:00 p.m. came around, I put God in my back pocket until next week. My 6th grade year, however, was an early turning point in my faith. I completed my church’s confirmation program, where I learned more about Christianity, but I still felt like there had to be more. During my 7th grade year, I started youth group. At the time, youth group was still something I felt like I was forced to do. I just wanted to stay home and watch the Sunday night football …show more content…

Whether I am enjoying a Sunday service, leading new AOSP members, or voicing my opinion during a youth discussion, I aim to grow as a faithful Christian. In the next few years, I hope to expand my mission work outside of North Carolina, maybe even to third world countries, and broaden my scope of what it means to be a Christian. I still look back on those early years of church, and my first AOSP experience, and see how my view of Church changed for the better. I have grown from being forced to go to church, to looking forward to Sunday

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