Cathedral Of St. Lazarus Essay

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The cathedral of St. Lazarus, best known as Autun Cathedral is the historical building with more value in Autun, Burgundy, and one of the most important Romanesque churches in France. The Bishop of Autun order the construction of this church do to the constant pilgrims traveling to Santiago de Compostela. The new social practice during this period was to venerate the relics of Saints, in order to receive miracles or forgiveness. Since many pilgrims passed through Autun in order to arrive to Santiago de Compostela, the bishop of Autun had de idea to construct the cathedral and have the relics of saint Lazarus on it, this way the church could receive more visits. The construction began in around 1120 and it was opened by 1146.

Today the church is famed for the Cluniac inspiration and its Romanesque sculptures by the master Gislebertus. The column capitals and the façade of the church are decorated with the sculptures of this impressive Romanesque sculptor. The art pieces have many …show more content…

The Last Judgment is the moment when Jesus comes back into the Earth to judge the souls of the living and the dead to determine who goes to heaven and who goes to hell for eternity. The tympanum, …show more content…

Gislebertus sculpture of Autun is a book written by Abbe Grivot and George Zarnecki. They said that there are people whom have no interest and no curiosity about visual arts and “the artist who created it” , but there are some other that “seek a depper understanding of the creative process” . Grivot is very familiar with the sculpture and Zarnecki “offer the fullet study of the creative genius of a 12th century sculpture that has a yet been published” . Both complement each other knowledge and construct a very detailed book with all the information of every little detail of the sculpture and the made explenations of all the Gislebertus

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