Catcher In The Rye Children

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In the novel Catcher In The Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, children play one of the largest roles. They are able to influence characters actions and personalities in general. Also in the short story “A Perfect Day For A Bananafish”, written by Salinger, children are seen as an escape from the evil and corrupted adult world. In both the novel and she short story characters are influenced by children and view them as the purest parts of society. Salinger illustrates both in his novel and his short story that adults feel some sort of need to protect children. The adult character go out of their way to try and hide reality from the children, to preserve their innocence. In the novel Catcher In The Rye, Holden, a child himself, takes it upon himself …show more content…

Children see them as who they aspire to be. Sometimes adults look up to children as well. Children have an aspect of purity and they are untouched by the horrors of the real world. Holden calls his younger sister “old Phoebe”, because he envies her innocence and misses his childhood (192). At the same time, he feels that Phoebe sees the world for as it is and in some ways in more experienced than he is. Holden always sees children living better and more enjoyable lives. For example with Allie, Holden’s decided kid brother, Holden believes that the evil adult world took him away from his simple childhood. Holden knows Allie was the better brother. Holden describes Allie as “two years younger than him”, but also he was “fifty times [more] intelligent” (143). After Allie’s death Holden left his childhood behind him and fell into the darkness that is adulthood. In the short story Seymour believes that he can connect better with children Sybil’s age than people his own. He talks to her about stories and childish problems, because they were important to Sybil, making them important to Seymour. Sybil also talks to another young man, who seems quite interested in her. Sybil tells the young man that she likes to “chew candles” and instead of being disgusted his response is “who doesn't” (9). This man enjoys the company of a young girl, instead of relaxing and socializing with the adults his own age. This childish young girl is able to bring out

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