Catcher In The Rye Argumentative Essay

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“He just got a jaguar” Holden which is the author by “The Catcher in the Rye” talks about his brother that stays in hollywood. His brother was currently making a lot of dough (money) but has a hard working job.He used to be a writer and made a good book according to Holden called “The secret goldfish”.So Holden starts to show the reader what was going on in his life and actually being specific about it.

First of all, the meaning of this story is, the transition between childhood/teenagers into adulthood. One of the reasons why he wanted to write the story “The Catcher in The Rye” is because maybe he has gone through something similar as a kid. When teenagers start to go through this phase they start to try and push everything else in their lives which causes them to feel lonely and upset because they feel as if they have no one else. Holden runs away from all of his problems, “... I sort of miss everybody I told about.” this type of feeling is something that most of us go through, when we start to realize the past and the present. This the author maybe felt as if he wanted to convey his message to people who go through the same situations. …show more content…

Salinger to write this story was because he may have been thinking of the past and was reflecting on his past life. He may have gone through these things and he is now telling a personal story that he was experiencing. He can be relating to his personal life because of this line ”If there’s one thing i hate, it’s the movies.”, in real life J.D Salinger did not want to sell the story to directors, he didn’t want “the catcher in the rye to be a film. You see you can tie many things from the story to his personal life, he was a person who didn’t want the attention from the people and kept himself away from the fame. So was holden in a way, he was always not trying to get advice and going away from

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