Cassius Use Of Manipulation In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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In a novel or play, an orator should be skilled in that he or she is articulate, expressive and able to persuade others towards their viewpoint. In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, there are three main orator’s: Antony, Brutus, and Cassius. Each of these character’s plays a crucial role in the telling of Caesar’s story, yet the most skillful of the three is Cassius. Despite his evil aura, Cassius’ use of word play and manipulation makes him undoubtedly the most eloquent and persuasive among the three. Cassius is able to appeal to the emotions, logic, and ethics of the other characters, making it effortless for him to convince them that his point is the only honorable one. Cassius’ effective use of persuasion is exemplified …show more content…

In act 1, scene 3 during Cassius’ conversation with Casca, he proclaims, “Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius. Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong; therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat” (Shakespeare 41). When he repeats “ye gods”, Cassius is attempting to put an emphasis on his strain, or anger, with the gods for giving a man like Caesar power over anyone else. This use of repetition catches the reader's eye and attention and gears their focus onto what he is trying to express. Moreover, Cassius’ word play and way with words help him in colluding and persuading others to join his cause. While talking to Brutus and the conspirators, Cassius states, “We’ll leave you Brutus. And, friends, disperse yourselves; but all remember What you have said and show yourselves true Romans” (Shakespeare 63). Cassius’ use of the word “friends”, in regards to specifically Brutus, is intended to create a personal connection among the group, in hopes of ensuring that Brutus feels as though he is making the right decision. Overall, Cassius’ way with words successfully gives him a sort of power over the other orator’s, making his language and syntax the most eye- catching and

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