Cash Flow Analysis of Two Companies

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Cash Flow Analysis

The two companies that our team selected were Lester and Shang-wa electronics. We will review cash flows for each company and attempt to identify how much cash was generated by operating, investing and financing activities. Then we will identify some significant interval events the effected the company’s cash position and explain both company’s apparent strategies. We will review some objectives from week two and discuss some additional insights and questions that may have arisen. Finally, even though it was not required we will attempt to describe the optimal solution assuming both Lester and Shang-wa can come to an agreement.

We will first look at Lester electronics:

2003 2004

Year end net income 14,718 30,010

They depreciated 10,629 12,264

Accounts receivable was 51,799 64,719

They sold 19,200 in inventory 27,032

Other assets totaled 1,867 1126

Current liabilities totaled 15,358 (5,245)

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