Case Study: Tuberculosis Among The Homeless Population

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When recruiting, it can get difficult because the participants may be withdrawn from the study, psychologically isolated, skeptical of the analysis projects or even intensely engaged with their present test. In this field, effect strategies need to be developed in order to collect samples.
As stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) In the United States, At least 1% of the population encounters homeless in a given year and more than 5% of individuals with Tb reported being homeless within the year prior to diagnosis. That is because people who are homeless have no access to medical care.
In order to obtain the prevalence of tuberculosis among the homeless population we are going to recruit and survey the homeless residents in Rochester on their experience with Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis screening. Convenience Sampling also known as no random selection is going to be used to recruit the participants and by doing that I would contact the local agencies of the homeless shelters like Open Door Mission Samaritan House, Homeless and Housing, Women's place and House of Mercy.
I would ask those agencies to select 40 individuals in the …show more content…

Now this survey is only asking you questions on your experience with Tuberculosis if you've contracted the bacterial disease and how was your experience with Tb screening? Or have your ever thought about getting a Tb screening done? Just to name a few questions. There isn't any risk because I'm just asking you questions on the survey. I will tell you that your information is confidential and no one will know your name or even that you completed a survey for my study. I just need your consent by reading everything on this form, print and sign your name at the bottom with the date and that would

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