Case Study: Repetitive Shoulder Muscles

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Repetitive arm use can cause fatigue of shoulder muscles and this has been a potential link to the development of shoulder pain. A reduction in force generation of shoulder muscles might lead to a reduction in control or stabilization for joint motions, such as the GH joint. The infraspinatus has been seen to play a significant role in the alteration of GH kinematics when fatigued while other shoulder musculature, such as the anterior/posterior deltoid and serratus anterior, did not alter GH kinematics while fatigued. Altered scapular kinematics have been found after fatiguing external rotators such as the infraspinatus. decreased scapular posterior tilt, upward rotation, and external rotation during arm elevation after the external rotators were fatigued. confirmed a decrease in scapular posterior tilt from external rotator fatigue, but also noted an increase in scapular upward rotation at 60° of arm elevation. also stated an increase in scapular upward rotation with arm elevation following fatigue. …show more content…

Subjects were asked to alternate between holding external rotation of 0° while blindly identifying objects by hand using touch followed by 20 repetitions of shoulder external rotation against resistance, and then raising their hand until their forearm was parallel to the floor and lowering the arm while holding a weight that was 20% of the force produced in the MVC (for example, if they produced ten pounds of pressure the weight would be two pounds). Fatigue was determined when subjects were unable to continue the required activities and force was decreased by at least

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