Case Study Pat

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1. How do you conceptualize Pat’s situation? I see Pat’s situation as a client that has a strong external force that is influencing her situation. I do not feel that Pat has a solid of idea of whom she may be or what she would like as a career. The only thing that is certain is that Pat does not want to become a chef. She seems to have other creative aspirations; however, she has not had the opportunity to explore those options because of her circumstances.
2. Would it make a difference is Pat was male or female? It seems that Pat is being forced into a career that is predominantly a male occupation. As, Niles and Harris-Bolwsbey indicate, many females in the workforce tend to use their career as a tool to develop their social networks (2009, p. 136). I think this may a factor to take into consideration as a reason for why she does not like the option of being a chef.
3. Would it make a difference if Pat were Caucasian or a member of a racial minority? I do not think in this specific situation that race would make a difference. The question that I see more relevant is the issue of culture. Culture could be a possible explanation for why her father is pushing her to be self-sufficient by the time she is 18. Race may play a small issue in her not liking the cooking profession; however I think the cultural pressures, specifically the generation difference between her and her parents, need to be addressed.
4. What if Pat had a disability? The case study did not say Pat has a physical disability but the thought that did cross my mind is that she may have a learning disability. The cooking profession is a very fast paced field. Pat may be not a s quick as the profession demands which could cause her to not like the occ...

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...d direct Pat back to the exploratory phase. I would try and instill to her the idea that it is ok for her not to be sure. I would then help Pat create a narrative so she can foster a sense of who she really is. I would want her to conceptualize and create her own story without the external forces. I would use that as a starting point to help her generate assessment and research opportunities for possible career opportunities. Importantly, I would help her make the bridge for any possible career options that she would get into immediately to help the urgency of her situation. I would tap upon her strengths and resources to help her realize a job that she could peruse that would fit into potential future career options.

Works Cited

Niles, S. & Bowlsbey, J. (2009). Career development interventions in the 21st century. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill/Pearson.

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