Case Study Of Kelly's Approach To Moriculum Planning

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1 What did Kelly think she was “missing” in her approach to curriculum planning?

Kelly realized that she had been focus on teaching kids “what to do” instead of helping them “think.” The textbook states that she realized she wanted them to “make that thinking explicit, and help them to act of that thinking” (chapter 1). By following this method, she was able to interact with her students differently and expose them to new topics.

2 How did she use the environment and materials to learn about the children’s perspectives?

According to the textbook “She began spending more time with open-ended objects that let us both the children and me-explore, bump up against problems, and then figure out how to solve those problems” (chapter 1). By her embracing curiosity she became a student along with her class.

3 What new insights did she have about her role as a teacher?

She incorporated curiosity and became a learner with her class. After she brought the “dough and screws” to class to used to make “full-length impressions.” She saw how Ben took it a step further and stated making different kind of impressions and was looking carefully at the impressions he was doing; Kelly realized that as a “teacher-learner” she absorbed the way in which Ben learns is instrumental to her.

4 How do you relate to Kelly? Looking back …show more content…

I love to embrace curiosity, and learn alongside children. After reading the “more R’s to learn” section I realize I could really work in all of them, however, I would start with “Remember.” It is so easy to get caught up with the day-to-day activities, following schedules, getting stuff done, that we forget to stop and slow down. I am making it a challenge to work on one of the “R’s” a week. This week I will slow down and notice the children, and remember to acknowledge their

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