Case Study : Hilton Hotel Lobby

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At 7:46 AM, on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, the investigator and associate entered the Hilton Hotel lobby in Dedham, Massachusetts. The lounge area near the fireplace was full of guests in the lobby, on the hotel computer stations. Hotel guests were also seated utilizing their own computer devices. The fireplace in the lobby was warm and inviting.
The investigator and associate were greeted by the Bellman (Caucasian, male, 40’s, some facial hair, glasses, in uniform) “Good Morning, Can I help you?” The investigator asked the bellman to direct them to the Fountain Blue Grille, he cheerfully told them to go right and we would find the restaurant at the end of the hallway. We thanked him.
The investigator and associates walked through the hallways and observed major construction underway, preview pictures were posted on the wall in the hallways.
As the investigator and associate approached the entrance to the fountain Blue Grille at 7:49 AM, there were no visible staff members to greet or seat us at the door. The investigator and the associate stood at the doorway. The investigator noted three staff members at the pos system upstairs on the right of the entrance, the three staff members were talking and their backs were facing the guests. At 7:52 the Manager (Caucasian, female 40’s, 5’3” shoulder length brown hair, black or navy blue blazer, couldn’t read a nametag) shouted “go ahead, take a seat anywhere”.
The investigator and associate walked thru the restaurant and took a seat in the middle of the dining room, at a table set for two, at the bottom of the stairs, center dining room. At 7:53 the Server #1, (African-America, female, 30’s, 5’7”, black/brown long flowing hair, not tied back, black pants and shirt, name Shermain), approa...

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...of hot water for tea. Shermain did not engage us in conversation.
At 9:16 am Shermain the server returned to our table to pick up the check. Shermain asked us “if it was all-set or did we need change”? We told Shermain it was all set and stayed seated to finish tea and coffee.
At 9:28 we stood to exit the restaurant, the investigator observed only Shermain and the Busboy clearing tables and cleaning. During the entire audit Shermain and the busboy were noticeably active and present in the dining room.
The investigator and associate noted that some of the chairs in the dining room were ripped, torn and tatty and the kitchen doors entering the middle of the dining room were dirty and scuffed.
At 9:28 we concluded the audit and visit to The Fountain Blue Grille. It is recommended the investigator’s check be reviewed for proper cash handling and closing procedures,

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